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Calcinus latens
Hidden hermit

Sachiko Suzuki (2013)


Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Symbionts & Parasites

Shell Selection


Life History & Behaviour

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Independent Project
The Relationship between the Shell Attributes and Locomotion of the Hermit Crabs: Suggestion of Potential Strategy for the Environmental Disturbance​

Hermit crabs are known to select their shells by the size and shell shapes. Although larger size of the shells is desired for the crabs’ growth and protection from predators, the increase weight can limit their locomotion; the irregular shape of the shell can also be disadvantageous. This study attempted to examine the relationship between these shell attributes and the ability of hermit crabs to move. Hermit crabs were buried in the sand and measured their time required to emerge up to the surface. In the present study, there was no significant relationship found between the emergence time and shell weight or shell shape:Moreover, many crabs did not move under the sand. Therefore, it may be their adaptation strategy to wait until the disturbances in the upper environment disappears rather than to waste energy by making effort to go up. Further researches on the behavioral adaptation of hermit crabs to their habitat are desired.

The Relationship between the Shell Attributes and Locomotion of the Hermit Crabs.pdf

